Bell times
Every day matters for your child’s learning. You must contact the school if your child is absent, late or has to leave early. If you have trouble getting your child to school, please contact us - we're here to help.
The Department of Education has more details and resources to help with student attendance.
School assemblies are held fortnightly throughout the term where merit awards are presented for exceptional classwork or behaviour, home reading, PBL, special awards and a Principal award will be handed out. We encourage parents and caregivers to come along and celebrate in the successes of our students.
Students can arrive from 8:30am – a teacher will be on duty. Prior arrangements need to be made if students need to arrive before 8:30am (8:20am at the earliest) Home time is 3pm and a teacher will be on the gate until 3:15pm.
Cessnock Multipurpose Centre runs an OOSH service for before and after school care. Phone(02) 49902687.