Paxton Public School

Safety, Teamwork, Achievement & Respect.

Telephone02 4998 1278

Sip and Crunch

Paxton School has participated in the Crunch & Sip Programme since 2008.  Each student brings fruit and vegetables to school to eat in the classroom at a set time. They also bring a small clear bottle of water in the classroom to sip from throughout the day. This programme allows the children to refuel for concerntration and encourages them to use fruit and vegetables as healthy snacks.

Paxton School Canteen have registered  us with The Sydney Market 2013 promotion: Fresh for Kids which directly links to the Crunch & Sip program. It also endorses our whole school community commitment to developing healthy eating habits. The Fresh for Kids Site has valuable  nutrition information for parents 


Tap water makes the best drink!

Not only is it thirst quenching, but also contains fluoride which helps make teeth stronger. Here's what water has to offer:

  • it is cheap and readily available
  • it doesn't contain any kilojoules or sugar
  • it encourages optimal function of the body 

We should all aim to drink between five to eight cups of water a day. In the warmer months it is important to keep well hydrated. Always have water available when children are active. Encourage them to drink water regularly, even in cooler months.